Bell Bajao! Ring The Bell!
The Bell Bajao Campaign is an initiative by ‘Breakthrough TV’, the corporate social responsibility wing of the famous O&M advertising firm. I was sincerely impressed at their initiative to take up the issue of ‘Domestic Violence’. The efforts at bringing it to the masses, at a level that the common man can get involved and show their concern, is admirable. This campaign has been one of the most innovative campaigns I have seen in the recent past. Their take, on how to deal with the issue of domestic violence, is what caught my attention. It simply says, ‘even you can do something’. You don’t have to be a women’s rights activist, to raise your voice. You can show ‘you know and that you care’, by just ringing the bell. The word says it all ‘Bell Bajao’ or ‘Ring the Bell’. And speak up against Domestic Violence. So much of efforts to bring this issue to the forefront, so many organizations working on the issues and yet it does not seem to be enough. How many of us have seen violence...